29. maaliskuuta 2011

Social aspect in responsible tourism

Yet again it is time for our daily post!

Today we had a lecture of social aspect given by Carine Colson, Belgium, in responsible tourism. Because of the subject we "went" also social in our class, and had a great discussion within the participants regarding to the socially responsible tourism. For example we were thinking about how the tour operators among others could enhance ethical travelling and how they could interact with the locals and benefit from each others, because tour operators are the key figures to influence on the customers' choice.

Suvi, Edita & Veeras "being social"!
The class was fixed up to be a circle so that we could be "social"

When implementing sustainability into a company, the company should form a team which has a manager with strong knowledge about the sustainability issues. The team should stimulate knowledge and experiences through different kinds of trainings and courses, which are provided for example by Travelife. After implementing the sustainable culture (to the company) there should be measurements done both for the determined and indicated impacts and through these points the company can create sustainability management. Company also has to do an action plan and after executing these plans the company should evaluate and report their findings so that knowledge about the matters would be similar within the whole company.
Lisää kuvateksti

Today we also finished our last workshops in the international groups, and from now on we are going to work with the national group again! Our part from the final report is our topic, the environmental aspect. We will be gathering all the information brought out from the questionnaire and the recommendations which we've been working with in the international groups.

Some more workin' with the pies!
 We are going to start working with our part of the final report now so there's a lot of writing ahead, again!

We'll be back!

The Finnish Team

1 kommentti:

  1. Looks good! Keep up the good work and have some fun at well (but not too much..)
